台湾 - 台湾岛海拔有多高 日本韩国越南菲律宾都要仰望 山脉

It was also one of the largest holders of foreign exchange reserves as of December 2017. In terms of nominal GDP Taiwan ranks close to.

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Taiwans gross domestic product per capita reached US24337 in 2017.

台湾. Enjoy the videos and music you love upload original content and share it all with friends family and the world on YouTube. According to the World Trade Organization Taiwan was the 16th largest exporter and 18th largest importer of merchandise in 2017. This term 台湾 is the simplified form of 臺灣 Notes.

The latest tweets from iingwen. Simplified Chinese is mainly used in Mainland China Malaysia and Singapore. The reading of oân in the context of the toponym Taiwan is an exception stemming from the historical variants 臺員 台员 and 臺圓 台圆 and 臺灣 台湾 is properly read as Tâi-oân.

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